8:00AM - 6:00PM

Monday to Saturday

Contact Us


Lusaka, Zambia

Lusaka, Zambia



Enroll Pet | PawsCare Pet insurance Zambia

Step 1: Let us get to know your pet

Please enter the pet's name.
Please enter a valid age.
Please enter the pet's name.
Please select a pet type.
Please enter a dog breed.
Please enter a cat breed.
Please enter a valid age.

Step 2: Pet Details

Please select a gender.
Please enter the pet's color.
Please enter the pet's current vet.
Please upload a picture of the pet (maximum size: 10 MB).

Step 3: Pet Owner Details

Please enter your first name.
Please enter your last name.
Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter your nationality.
Please enter a valid NRC or Passport number (e.g., 123456/12/1 or AB123456).
The NRC format should be 6 digits/2 digits/1 digit or the Passport format should be 2 characters followed by 6 digits.
Please enter your street address.
Please enter your district.
Please enter your city.

Step 4: Select Coverage Plan

Step 5: Confirmation

Thank you for completing the form.